Shop and Buy Individually,
Order Collectively.

Who we are, what we do?

The team buying platform

Create a team, combine orders with friends and neighbours and move up the supply chain to buy
direct from farmer, producer or importer.

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Better for you

Sustainable produce at supermarket prices

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Better for the producer

Direct distribution to their end customer

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Better for the planet

Zero waste and massive CO2 reduction

Directly support local producers
by purchasing as a community

Why use rabble?

Bypass inefficient Supply Chains

Support Quality Producers

The conventional supply chain fails small producers. Give local producers and sustainable farming practices a chance by going direct

Decimate your communities carbon footprint

Save The Environment

Align your community and collectively avoid inefficient, CO2 intensive and wasteful supply chains that are bad for the environment and bad for the food itself

Access sustainable high quality products

Access Sustainability

Get access to a curation of the highest quality sustainable producers for supermarket prices

Be the person who
starts and runs a
team for your


Shop our curation of sustainable producers at heavily discounted prices

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Start your own team by selecting the producer you want to purchase directly from. Browse their products and go through checkout to set up your team

Once your team has been created, share it with your community. Each new member’s basket will help you reach the producer’s minimum order

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Once your team passes the producer’s minimum order, each member is charged individually for their basket and the order is placed collectively with the supplier

As the host of the buying team orders will arrive at your house. Organise with your team last yard distribution and collection

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That's all there is to it!

We provide you with the tools to order wholesale by leveraging the demand of those around you. Whether it’s people on your street or friends elsewhere, you can access the power of community buying on Rabble! Check us out on the App store and Play store.

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The Team Buying Platform

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  • 128 City Road 
  • London 
  • United Kingdom 
  • EC1V 2NX

Become a Supplier

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